WebMD Health Services Apps

Weigh Today 2.2.4
Weigh Today from WebMD Health Services puts you in charge of yourweight—before you even lose a pound. A daily weigh-in has beenshown to be one of a few key habits that help people reach andmaintain a healthy weight (see Butryn, et al, Obesity, Dec 2007).And, because it only takes a few seconds a day, it’s a great way toget started! WHO IT’S FOR This is a habit-forming app, not anexercise tracker, a calorie counter, or even a weight-loss app.Weighing in every day is just one of several effective strategiesthat people use to make healthy weight changes, but mastering onehealthy habit at a time can set you up for lasting success. If youremployer or health plan offers Weigh Today as a benefit to you, youare minutes away from beginning a life-changing habit. GOOD NEWS! •Weigh Today is integrated with other WebMD Health Servicesproducts. • Your information is completely private and secure—onlyyou will be able to see your data. • We’ll automatically uploadyour progress to the Weight Tracker on your WebMD Health Servicesprofile so that you’ll have a complete picture of your health. •You can stay up-to-date wherever you are. READ THIS! If youdownload Weigh Today without having a qualified WebMD HealthServices account, you won't be able to use it. Many employers andhealth plans offer Weigh Today as part of the WebMD Health Servicessuite of health applications. If you don't know if you have accessto WebMD Health Services products, ask your benefits administrator.
Wellness At Your Side 4.26.1
Take charge of your well-being with WebMD Health Services.